What is safer sex?
In a nut shell, it's techniques that people utilize to decrease the potential natural consequences of becoming sexually active. Note: not being sexual also has it's own set of risks. We believe people are sexual from the time they are born until the time they die. Throughout the years, sexuality looks different at the various ages and stages of life. The idea of there being natural consequences to being sexually active are similar to natural consequences of following through with any decision. With every door that opens, another one closes. Our mission is to help each individual better assess the risks and rewards of any behavior. There is no right path. However, with that being said, there are some behaviors that tend to have better outcomes. For example, if one makes the decision to have sex, using a condom & the pill will dramatically lower the risk of conceiving a fetus, than having unprotected sex 14 days prior to ovulation. Safer sex education helps decrease the risks involved such as unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections. Sexually transmitted infections include HIV, herpes, gonorrhea, and clamydia. Lastly, safer sex increases communication among all those involved, which can result in a higher level of enjoyment. Lastly, safer sex, can help people develop a more fulfilling sexual life because it tends to look at sexuality more holistically. Sex is more than just penile-vaginal penetration, it encompasses the mind, body and spirit. Thus, we have compiled a list of popular tips that we have written that will help you develop a deeper understanding of safer sex and how it might apply to you.
Pregnancy & STD Prevention
- How to pick a pleasurable condom PleasurableCondom
- What are dental dams? DD
- What are male condoms?
- What are female condoms?
- What are flavored condoms?
- What is essure?
- What is an IUC? IUC
- What is Implanon? Implanon (Birth Control)
- What is a birth control shot (Depo-Provera, Lunelle)? birth control shot (Depo-Provera, Lunelle)
- What is the Vaginal Contraceptive Ring (NuvaRing) Vaginal Contraceptive Ring
- Continuous Birth Control Continuous Birth Control
- Birth Control Patch (Ortho-Evra)
- Minimizing the Risk of Herpes Transmission
- STI Information
Romance & Passion: learn how to ramp up the romance & passion in your relationship
- Bringing romance back into your relationship R
- Putting passion back into your relationship PR
- Getting more out of sex
The Art of Seduction: learn how to engage your partner's brain without needing to engage in sexually risky behavior
- The art of Seducing
- Seducing
- Setting the mood STM
- Finger painting & sex FPS
- Engage in Erotica E
- How to share sexual fantasies SSF
- How to create a sexual fantasy CSF
- Fantasy F
- Blindfolds B
- The How To's for a Dynamic Relationship DR
Sexual Communication with Others
- Sensate Exercise
- How to approach sex HAS
- How to use touch to get the most out of sex, Touch
Masturbation: solo sex
- How to masturbate M
- Turning yourself on
- Reclaiming your sexuality RM
- Increasing your pleasure: exploring and becoming familiar with your vulva
- Mindful sex: a guide to becoming sexually presentMindfulSEX
- Getting more out of sexMS
- Masturbation and pregnancyMP
- Masturbation at workMW
- Masturbation M
Mutual Masturbation
The G-Spot
Manual Stimulation
- What is Manual Stimulation
- Hand Job: how to guide HandJob
- Digital Stimulation (otherwise known as fingering): how to guide Fingering
Foot Stimulation
Sexual Safety
- Sexual Safety at College
- What are Safe Words? Typically used within the BSDM community
- What is a "silent alarm"?
- Taking a vacation from sex: recovering from sexual trauma
- Intimacy Expression Exercise
- Bath Exercise
- The Benefits of Celibacy BC
- Is Celibacy Right for You and Your PartnerCR
- Abstinence Sexual Abstinence
Dating Ideas
- Inexpensive Dating ideas in Philadelphia DIP
Above are most of the tips on safer sex techniques