Accurate Sexual Health Education and Relationship Counseling Articles
The world is at our fingertips, literally. As a society we have become inundated with information. You can find the answers to the most bizarre questions almost instantaneously after typing it into Google. The use of technology on the one hand can provide validation and a sense of normalcy when we discover that we are not the only people with these strange questions, particularly around sexual health questions and concerns. I am going to assume that you may have typed what you deemed as an awkward sexual health or relationship question into Google and figured out the answer, or maybe five different answers, or just maybe what seems like hundreds of peoples differing opinions.
We live in society that starves us of healthy and accurate sexual health information, making these instantaneous answers very appealing. I think it is fantastic that we have knowledge so readily available, but I say proceed with caution. Information regarding accurate sexual health education and tips can be hard to come by. Many of the common sexual myths are lurking in the information you find online.
If you and/or your significant other are searching for accurate sexual health education or relationship counseling I encourage you to seek out two websites: sextherapyinphiladelphia.com and therapyinphiladelphia.com. Both of these websites contains hundreds of articles relating to common, and not so common, sexual health and relationship questions and concerns. The tips and articles on these websites may provide you with the accurate sexual health education and relationship counseling you have been searching for. Follow the suggestions below to effectively navigate the websites sexual health and relationship counseling articles and tips.
- Click on the ARTICLES tab at the top of the website.
- Scroll to browse a category of interest.
- Take notice of all categories available.
- Reflect on new categories of interest.
- Use the SEARCH BAR at the top of the websites to search for a specific topic.
- All articles related to the search topic will appear.
- Click on an article of interest.
- Take a few minutes to read through the article.
- What did you learn?
- What was it like to find accurate sexual health education online?
- Reflect on how this article relates to your personal sexual experiences.
- Did the article elicit any other sexual health questions?
- As you read through the article notice any words you see in BLUE. These words are linked to other articles related to the topic. Feel free to click these words to further explore this topic.
- After you finished reading the article, look below the article at related articles. Take a moment to explore these articles.
- You can also take time to navigate the websites with your significant other. It could be sexy to explore these different sexual health articles together. Spend a night exploring some fun and exciting sexual health topics.
If you would like to further explore healthy sexual health education beyond the information you found on the website, please give The Center for Growth/Sex Therapy in Philadelphia a call at 215-922-5683 x 1. All of the therapists are trained to provide accurate sexual health education and marriage counseling for individuals and couples.