Internet And Open Relationships
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Internet and Open Relationships You and Philadelphian Lover may have decided to try pursuing an open relationship and you live in Philly. You have done your homework, i...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Internet and Open Relationships You and Philadelphian Lover may have decided to try pursuing an open relationship and you live in Philly. You have done your homework, i...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Vibrators for Men - many people think of vibrators as being a sex toy for women. However, men can also receive pleasure from using vibrators either through masturba...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
What is a dildo? A dildo is a sex toy that is usually penis-shaped and designed for vaginal or anal penetration. However, some do not look exactly like a penis. Dildos ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Sexual Skyping: Skype Sex 101: Action! The decision has been made–you and your partner are going to have Skype-sex. You are confident that your interact...