Masturbation and Pregnancy
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Is It Okay To Masturbate When You Are Pregnant? Yes! Question: Is masturbation bad for the fetus? Answer: False. Masturbation during pregnancy does not hurt the fetus! Se...
Professionals who care about sexual health
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Is It Okay To Masturbate When You Are Pregnant? Yes! Question: Is masturbation bad for the fetus? Answer: False. Masturbation during pregnancy does not hurt the fetus! Se...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Question: Is sex harmful during pregnancy? Answer: In general this is false. However, if the pregnant woman has an increased risk for miscarriage, placenta previa or a...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Baby's level of awareness of Sex Question: Does the baby somehow "know" that sex is taking place? Answer: False. The baby (fetus) is in a protected environment, thu...
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