Beliefs About Sex
By Center for Growth Therapists
We all have underlying beliefs about sex, about ourselves, our bodies and how it “should be.” But most of us think of these as FACTS, not beliefs. If left unexamined, t...
By Center for Growth Therapists
We all have underlying beliefs about sex, about ourselves, our bodies and how it “should be.” But most of us think of these as FACTS, not beliefs. If left unexamined, t...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Sexlosteem: The Root of it All Sexlosteem starts with how you evaluate yourself. Your self-evaluation can elevate you, pull you down, or concede you into stagnation. Wh...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Women, Sex, and Poor Body Image Have you ever hesitated to have sex with a partner, not because you lacked desire, but because you worried about how you looked naked? Do ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Sexual Self Esteem: Self Esteem can be defined as a person’s overall evaluation of their self-worth. Self esteem includes how they feel about their self beliefs, emotion...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
What are the Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa: While anyone can develop this disorder, certain people are more likely than others to suffer from it. Here are some of th...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Negative Body Image Treatment (from The Center for Growth in Philadelphia) It is likely that the commentary you received about your body as a child and adolescent impact...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Negative Body Image: Do you feel uncomfortable with your looks? Are you embarrassed about the way you look naked? These negative feelings could be holding you and your pa...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Medical Doctors and Anorexia: Why is seeing a medical doctor so important for clients with the diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa? Seeing a medical doctor is extremely impor...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Feelings about entering therapy for Anorexia Nervosa While there are some exceptions, usually the client suffering from Anorexia does not want to give up their eating dis...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Anorexia Nervosa <!--written by: Marion Goertz, DMin, RMFT -->What is Anorexia Nervosa? Is a psychological disorder characterized by an obsession to be thin and a d...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Anorexia Nervosa in Philadelphia Here is a list of most of our self-help tips about Anorexia Nervosa Treatment in Philadelphia. Our hope was to create one centraliz...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Anorexia Nervosa (Purging Type) <!--written by: Marion Goertz, DMin, RMFT -->The mortality rate for Anorexics in the (purging type) category is twice as high as tho...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Anorexia and the Doctor The doctor’s visit: the doctor is an essential part of the treatment team with Anorexia. This doctor may also need to make appropriate refer...