"Alex" Caroline Robboy

  • The Center For Growth, Inc

2673249564 233 South 6th Street, undefined, Pennsylvania

 Sex with Bleb Disease Bleb Pain Scale Pain Journal and Sexual Activities Table

Sex with Bleb Disease: Bleb Pain Scale, Pain Journal and Sexual Activities Table

  How to make healthy decisions about sex when you are in pain from Bleb Disease:  Using a Bleb pain scale and sexual activity table (from The Center for Growth in Philadelphia) People with “bleb disease” grow blebs on their lungs.  Blebs are weak spots on the lungs which can cause lung collapses if they rupture.  If you have “bleb disease,” only you can determine if the pain you are e...

 Bath Exercise For Survivors of Sexual Trauma or For People Struggling with Sexual Aversions Discomforts

Bath Exercise: For Survivors of Sexual Trauma or For People Struggling with Sexual Aversions/Discomforts

The Bath Exercise (Designed for survivors of sexual trauma or  for people struggling with sexual aversions/discomforts from The Center for Growth in Philadelphia) Do you associate negative feelings with sexuality? Does intimacy always mean intercourse? Do you find yourself feeling anxious or withdrawing from situations that could lead to more?  Is your ultimate goal to reclaim your sexuality and e...