Sex After the Birth of a Child
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Question: Will sex go back to normal after the birth of our child? Answer: No, sex after the birth of a child does not go back to normal! The changes in a couples sex lif...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Question: Will sex go back to normal after the birth of our child? Answer: No, sex after the birth of a child does not go back to normal! The changes in a couples sex lif...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Sex after pregnancy: Not much research has been done to establish the frequency of intercourse after the birth of a child. The only information that I could find comes f...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
How much do you know about sex and pregnancy? Take the Sex Pregnancy Quiz and find out. All answers to the sex pregnancy quiz are true or false. Answers will be explaine...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Setting the Mood For Sex - Maybe you are tired of your sexual routine or maybe you really crave some type of romance of specialness. Or maybe you and your partner just ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Senior Citizens, Sex and Relationships: Sexuality is a key component of human health in any age group. Most seniors still enjoy intimate relationships with their partn...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
The art of seducing: good sex is frequently determined within the first few minutes even before the act. Yet, the topic of mood and atmosphere is not often deemed worthy ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
The art of seducing: good sex is frequently determined within the first few minutes even before the act. Yet, the topic of mood and atmosphere is not often deemed worthy ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
What is safer sex? In a nut shell, it's techniques that people utilize to decrease the potential natural consequences of becoming sexually active. Note: not being sexual...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Sex & Pregnancy - The Right Tools and Support In order to have good sex, the pregnant couple needs to accomplish three things Couples must learn how to approach sex....
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
There is very little "research" on the answer to the question, "What is the quality of sex during pregnancy v.s. pre-pregnancy?" The , which is a reputable...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Herpes Question: What is Prodrome? Prodrome refers to the early symptoms and signs that a person experiences before the full blown symptoms of an illness become evident. ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
What is the pre-marital counseling & intimacy enhancement three hour course? Premarital & intimacy enhancement counseling is an individualized three hour course ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Question about pain during pregnancy: Can intercourse during pregnancy cause a woman to feel pain? Answer: True Intercourse might cause discomfort or pain for the pregnan...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Orgasms and premature labor sex - Question - Can female orgasms cause premature labor? Answer: False. While female orgasms may cause women to experience mild contracti...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Oral Facial Herpes: Herpes is a very common and usually mild recurrent skin condition transmitted through skin to skin contact. Approximately 50% - 80% of the adult popul...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Minimizing the risk of herpes transmission: Herpes is most contagious during an outbreak, however it can be spread even when no symptoms are present if the virus is activ...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Masturbation turning yourself on: One of the many benefits of masturbation is that it is something that you have complete control over. There is no need to negotiate wit...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Is It Okay To Masturbate When You Are Pregnant? Yes! Question: Is masturbation bad for the fetus? Answer: False. Masturbation during pregnancy does not hurt the fetus! Se...
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Manual stimulation (hand jobs, fingering, digital stimulation) is the practice of using one’s hands to sexually stimulate a partner’s genitals, perineal body and/or anus....
By "Alex" Caroline Robboy
Living with herpes in Philadelphia: you likely have many questions and concerns about your recent herpes diagnosis, such as those listed below. You will work it through,...