"Alex" Caroline Robboy

  • The Center For Growth, Inc

2673249564 233 South 6th Street, undefined, Pennsylvania

 Type 1 verses Type 2 Diabetes What the Media Overlooks

Type 1 verses Type 2 Diabetes - What the Media Overlooks

With the increased attention in the media to diabetes in North America, sometimes there is confusion when the different Types of diabetes are not fully discussed.   What is diabetes? Diabetes is a group of conditions in which glucose (sugars) levels are abnormally high. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas stops making enough insulin, which is needed for proper metabolism of glucose in the body.   In this disc...

 Helping your Teen Cope with Death Losing their Best Friend by Sudden Death

Helping your Teen Cope with Death: Losing their Best Friend by Sudden Death

Consider Your Teen's Coping Style: Children cope with death in various ways. You may be able to identify their experience of grief by observing their expressed sad mood. For others it can be quite difficult to pin point their level of grief. What may appear to be typical behaviors and moods may actually be insidious symptoms of depression and grieving. Lets take a child who engulfs themselves in their schoo...

Alex Caroline Robboy CAS MSW LCSW

RESUME / C.V. ALEX CAROLINE ROBBOY CAS, MSW, LCSW Independence Place 233 S. 6th Street Suite C-33 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Alex Robboy ‘s Work Number: (267) 324-9564 (you can text) Alex Robboy ‘s Cell Number: (215) 570-8614 (no texting) alexrobboy AT   Alex Caroline Robboy ‘s Educational Experiences  Imago Relationships Post-Masters Certificate - Imago Relationship Therapy (2012) University of ...